Friday, December 18, 2009

the greatest horse escape (so far)

this we were awaken by the cops ....

This report is compiled and not sworn to be exactly accurate but it is the account of the day that I have

it seems someone turned off the electric fence and let the horses out ,,,they were down the road a piece munching on something they found to be delicious when a car (sub compact according to the reports) i have tried to push the 2 of them out of the way. the hose refused to move and kicked. it has been reported that the subcompact is now "totaled" by the action of the horses, without injuring the horses or anyone else. Horses are now home fenced back in, and the fence rerun so no one can get to the charger without going into their paddock anymore. further work is needed to keep them from indulging in all the hay they care to eat but i can do that tomorrow at least today I don't have to feed those hay burners, hey can feed themselves.

who turned off the fence. I don't know but frankly suspect it is connected to ole Chad ( a neighboring home owner with whom I have had trouble)I wonder if the stalkers called and bothered him again provoking this latest outrage. evidence is a little hard to find but no is really happy, esp the auto insurance of the late subcompact

Thursday, December 10, 2009

a rare disad to being loved by your horses

aeolae loves me that is clear. she is also a crow hound...ahem horse like sam i was planing to shovel out to the hay today then rest warm up and then fed the massive hay burning machines, but Aeolae the mare ran up the fence said nuzzled at me (and the hay) till melted and broke off their hay and fed them right that moment

so we have con chow horses

Thursday, November 26, 2009

another great horse escape

someone truned off the electric fence

the hrose wndered out

some one called the cops to compalin

hmm I wonder if the guy that called the cops (chad) turned off the fence?

gee as a update when I wrote this at first the horses were already back in their padock

Friday, November 6, 2009

a new acheivement for me

In the army I learned to give shots as part of the 47th Field Hospital at one point the 47 th CSB prov part of the 214th FA to give shoots to humans today I gave my first shot to an equine patient. My wife nicked Samwise with a pitchfork while cleaning up after the horses and we did not know when he last had a tetanus shot as a precaution. I could have had the vet come out and give the shoot but I have felt able to do this an d we went to the vet picked up the stuff and I gave it to the horse. cost 8 bucks and we have no established relations with the local horse vet. so with our trainer on hand to point out where I should stab the horse.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

well the Hay has arrived

the mian body of hay has finaly arrived it has been a bit rough since it hass been a bad year for hay localy so locating nd getting the hay dlivered was something.

Now the event itself was easy as the hay arrived on a log truck and so it was just lifted off and placed on the pallets we had waiting for them took less than 10 mintues and we now have enough hay to last till may 1st roughly when they should be able eat grass arround here

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

and here are both of them

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

and here is samwise

Monday, November 2, 2009

here is a Picutre of Aloelae

Saturday, October 24, 2009

the great horse escape

we opened the gate of the horses and went about remove the bigg mass of horse shit and well they decided to walk out of the paddock and into to yard amd towards the street

after a bit we got a halter and lead on sam and lead them both back to the paddock

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

well we have enough hay for now

and more on the way

loaded up and carry 30 bales of hay which will hold the horses till our hay vendor gets back from a truck driving run and can delver the rest of the hay we need in the form of 14 big round bales (not the small bales I carried today.

this means we can get away trying score a few balers of hay here and there too working with the horses

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

well i guess we truly do have horses now

we tried to let out to graze on a section of the yard and they refused to leave thier paddock

Saturday, September 26, 2009


the horses are here and we have a stall door on there run in thing we need is the ability to lock this door open for them they sort locked themselves out in the rain last night Aeolae did not mind but sam seemed a little miffed about it

Thursday, September 24, 2009

horses are HERE

the guys laoded great onto the trialer for the ride here I am told the last time anyone tried t load em it took 3 hours but they loaded for us in mintues

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

well the fence is ready

the horses will hopefully move in on thursday

Sunday, September 20, 2009

a Mare in heat is a pain

but Aeolea is still a heat a bit because she is reacting to us very differently (I am enough of a stallion compared to Sam the gelding and Gav) Tonigth she let me halter her and work with her for the first time is several days.

Hopefully we will be able to get her loaded and unloaded ona trailer so she can ride over here rather than walk all the way. if she can be trailered then she esp will make the trip a lot better but her last trip int he hands of the soon to be former owner was traumatic so if she rides in a trailer I expect I will have to ride over with her. Sam looks like we could ride him tomorrow if we really wanted too

Sunday, September 13, 2009

well sam has been a bad horse

been eating too many apples nothing I can do about it

but they are doing well had a good a time witht horses

Saturday, September 12, 2009

mprte with my horses

the horses were pushing things a bit today since i had no been there or worked with them in awhile and they kept trying to push me back in between them so as to keep the herd together....

we realy did not get much done but it was good to see hear and feel the horses

back with my horses

just got back from a trip to the hosopital last night been there several days went to visit my horses I was little a littleconcered they might not remmebr me since i had been gone a week but those fears were groundless

Friday, September 4, 2009

well the horses

having had a short power failure today so we went to visit early

they were not in the shelter but they seemed to hear us when I started dumping more water in their their enclosure they came galloping up they were not realy interested in the water (they had water but i thought they needed more they were nice and freindly and very affectionate was niceafter my dealing with human online and in person

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

another day another session witht he horse

a fairly quiet day after leading them yesterday we just looked them over played "friendly games" with them the more we work witht hem the more they will trust us

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

weel on today's workout

Aeolae allowed gav to put on the halter today and accept the lead, guess she wanted to join the fun we had had with samwise the last few days. so we had 2 horses lead by 2 people wandering around their current paddock with no real problem

near the end something spooked Aeolae and broke free from my wife and started to run back to her shelter then stopped looked a bit sheepish and acted afaid we going to be mad at her her for getting spooked so I gave sam to to gav and went after Aeolae myself got hold of her lead and lead her around some more then we lead them back to feed them ( a favorite part of this exercise go figure) used a few "equine reinforcement units (pepomint lifesavers) to reinforce the fact they like us already

it is hard to believe we have been dealing with these guys for less then 2 weeks and that they were close to being put down

a use piece piece of hardware

I fnd I am become quite attached to the horses

After all what boys does not dream of a owning a hrose as a kid it is a pretyy vain dream for most city bred boys as myself but here in the far north it seem we have that chance this first winter is going going to be a bit tough since we will be diverting much of our spare resources.
the horses are were free but feeding them and outfitting them is something else. they have been somewhat abused and neglected in the past and we will do our best for them but of course if you are reading this and spare them something to help out

Monday, August 31, 2009

well introducced the horses to my dad

dropped by the horses after taking dad the doc for a check up part of the prep for cataract surgery so we dropped by introduced dad to the horses. they liked. they liked even better the mints dad gave them

well blaze has a new name it is "Samwise"

pornuced as Mell-loen it means frined in Elfish acrodding the JRR Tolkien and seesm a better name than blaze who we know was teased 2 owner ago with fire by the onwers distrubed son

Saturday, August 29, 2009

well meett Blaze again

Blaze is gelding he is a bit better behaved at this point than Aeolae and I think I can almost put him to work now while Aeolae is bit less trained both have had a rough a life before meeting us and both have been in serious danger of becoming dinner or some dreadful fate that can happen to horses he about 13 as well is very herd bound to Aeolae

Well at least. we don't have to worry anymore about how to separate the horses

well the blog gets a new title

it seems we are getting @ horse horses both Aeolae and Blaze are moving in. Blaze was not available however his situation has collapsed, literally from what I understand his poetencail shelter may have collapsed under a tree blown down in the recent strom we have had, but am not sure exactly what happened. the other person will be feeding the horse n(providing hay et al this winter and look at things in spring whre we expect that an arrangement will be made to allow this person's daughter will able to come and ride the horse under condictions TBD in exchange for food and other assistance and we care fore the horse and have his services the rest of the time

two horses here?

ye[ that might be the case soon stay tuned

again with the horse

well what else would you see on a horse blog

gave her a "jackpot" in training terms just giving her a treat "for nothing" to encourage her to pay attention for stray repsonses from us

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

went to see aeloa

the trainer has hiuurt her own ankle so went over to feed blaze and aolae

had a little trouble finding them on thier paddock

when we found they were so eager to lead us back to their shelter, they at least see us as bringer of food

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

well Aeolae was ain a snit

so aftertryignt o wrok with here we(me my wife and the trainer) went over to see here horse Chaz and work with her to teach us how to control a well trained and displined horse

well I do need to make some money

so here the first of the payintg gigs from amazon

my wife is reading this right now as I type this a review will follow at some point

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

well aeolae is certainly to become my horse

we showed up to see here and work with her. We were supposed to meet the trainer, but as they say manure happens, so we talked and worked a bit with here on our own . If Blaze would have stayed out the way we would have gotten done but She will now walk along with me without a lead or halter on anything with my hand alone and my voice/ She will noy yet take orders yet by voice but she will seriously consider suggestions forcefully made.

One, Blaze is jealous of me he ( a gelding) is jealous that I am taking his exalted herdleaderness, so he keeps butt in between me and her.

Two, Aelolae is something of a pervert she tried to "do a Monica) on me several times . Gee those teeth do not look very comfortable

well my wife has started a paralelblog to this one

this blog

it ought to be interesting to see how here perceptions vary from my own and vice versa

the one warning I will give you is that my wife is rather verbose in her blogging while I am rather curt

Monday, August 24, 2009

aeolae the horse

a few mores shot of of her the place here needs what a horse would call fencing to confine her and she has been left on handled so we need to train her some

Ailous the godd of the wind

AIOLOS (or Aeolus) was the king of the winds who kept the stormy Anemoi Thuellai and Aellai locked away inside the hollow heart of the floating island of Aiolia. At the command of the gods he released these to wreck devastating storms. Since the Winds were often conceived of as horse-shaped spirits, Aiolos was titled Hippotades, "the reiner of horses," from the Greek hippos ("horse") and tadĂȘn ("reined in tightly").

Sunday, August 23, 2009

aeolae's jobs around here

the plan a her biggest job will be acheived simply int he exercise of here walking around her paddock, likely dragging a hire or something that being clearing paths for here people. other things include hauling bits of wood, a plan to help me felling trees we seem to eb a lighsulky like "coach" which a horse here size can pull so maybe dad will learn to drive her and aeolae can help him figure out how to get home if his meds make him fuzzy if she can be made into a horse for riding I may trying tilting at a quaintain (the foes of medevil squires yes with a lance

well the lastets on the horse

Our friend in charge of finding the horse a new home has been over looked the structures we thought might be suitable for her one she though was and the the other would do but the other was likely the former home of a horse some time in the past

we have figured out what work it needs to have so as to be fully suited to nothing to serious and nothing I can't easily do. talked a couple of neighbor an d we have lined almost enough hay for winter and I am speaking to a neighbor who is willing to provide us some at a discount since he sells to other that are resellers he will make a bit more than normal and we will not pay as much

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Aeolae is it seems a fairly smart horse that has been allowed to get her own far too often over the eyars and thus needs a strong calm hand I have excellent luck witht dogs and wolves it seems to sort translate to aeolae already but she is a will horse yet

Friday, August 21, 2009

Aeolae our new horse

weel went t and met windy or Aeolae which means much the same thing in greek but it is softer set of sounds easier to use softly there is a her picture (left) more will follow in the next few days

( will have larger versions for thaose that want to see hem in a few days Blaze (pictured upper right) is here current herd mate and I think looking at them tries to get windy into trouble something that might have gotten windy sent to the glue factory but Blazze surely did not know this

well omarrow I am supposed to meet the horse

her name is Windy although I tempted call Aelouusay (a feminie form of the greek god of the wind)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

well going to see some folks about a horse

a strange happening today" a horse

My wife I do various thing for neighbors nearly neighbors and just folks. Thes folks knowing we want a horse for various reasons of own have offered us a horse. Her name in Windy as I understand and she has been somewhat neglected and she is s bit small for riding but the folks offering us the horse I have more in mind hulling and carring things with the horse help using rope and other tree and making sure tree fall where I want em and no on me may pulling a small cart stuff like that meanng is she responds to me as well or better than My wife we ill have a horse well suited to what WE want a horse to do. Admittedly our neighbors, many of are menonights do wonder at the interest of the transplanted city folks in a horse what when we own more sat dishes that rest of the Tapoila area combined, as well all kind of high tech gear , but they are getting used to not really understanding us completely. thus in the next day ors I will meet said horse and see how she likes me and these pages well show about how it goes.

because she is not exactly what most folks are looking for and that she has been neglected and may be bit hard to train her life may depend on us taking her since they area has a really surplus of horses over interested people, no one realy wants to put her down but her home is more or less gone (serious illness has taken down her current owners) this state of affairs also relieves some of our concerns over a horse the cost of the horse and whether we can take care of one, after if dies because of our mistake she at least had a chance at a life as opposed to glue factory. Sounds like a Mitzvah to me

assuming this goes off I will be blogging about the horse and her antics